
11/15 We have Funzas!


On Saturday morning Jack asked me to look at his left pinky toe. It looked like a planterís wart so I told him not to worry about it and we'd deal with it when we got home.

Not an hour had passed when a group of boys wanted me to go on a walk with them. As I was putting on my socks I saw something that almost looked like a blister on my second toe. I grabbed my nail clippers and started ëclippingí. I clipped and clipped until there was a perfect round hole at the top of my toe. I saved what I clipped and ask the boys to take a look.

"You have a funza that has many babies!".

Ahhhhh I had a funza.

And that meant that Jack did too. So when we were both back from our walks (he took a different group of kids) we went to Sara and Peter who were able to successfully get his out.

Bottom line: they sound a lot worse than they are and the visual I had in my head before I got one was also much worse than the real thing.

These funzaís had managed to get through out socks and our sneakers!

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