
11/2 Letter Writing

Sunday November 2, 2008

No breakfast duty this morning! We got to sleep until 7:15 and then were not really on duty until about 10:30 because the children have Sunday School in the rec hall. It did rain a little this morning but by 11 it had burned off and was again a hot, hot day!

As it was an off day, we just played - Jack played soccer in the morning and decided enough was enough and was only the goal keeper when he played soccer in the afternoon. He had gotten quite a bit of sun on Saturday and was utterly exhausted from too much play and too much heat!

I spent the afternoon writing letters with those that wanted to in the preschool room. Scott, if you are reading this - you are going to have quite a few letters to write! All the boys wanted to write you! Some of them were able to write novels on their own and others needed me to write the sentences and they copied them. It was a bit crazy because at any given moment at least 4 of them were asking me for help-can you say chaos? I also helped Coletha write a letter back to a little girl that had written her. Very cute!

We were on dinner duty and ended up reading 3 books! When I read, they are all over me - on my lap, on my legs, on my back - practically folding me in half! 

Another delicious dinner as usual!

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